Airborne mold spores can spread and contaminate virtually any surface, including the surfaces of your personal belongings and contents. If contaminated contents are taken out of a moldy space (i.e: basement, attic, bedroom, etc.) at the time of a mold remediation, the moldy items may not be put back into the space following remediation due to high risk of cross-contamination to the clean environment. When handling mold contaminated items, personal belongings and contents, the only options are often disposal or cleaning.
Once mold roots itself into the porous surface of your personal belongings, effective removal can be difficult without the right tools or cleaning agents. Oftentimes, moldy contents are seemingly non-salvageable. While this may be true in some cases, it is not true in all cases. Content cleaning is a technique that allows cleaning professionals to remove damaging contaminants from content, while still preserving the integrity of the underlying substrate. Proper content cleaning can salvage family heirlooms, fine collectables, electronics or other meaningful personal items.